State-of-the-Art Technology to Improve Your Odds
Embryo Genetic Testing is an innovative technology used in IVF cycles. This technique involves the biopsy of an embryo, and testing of the cells to ensure the correct number of chromosomes, determine gender prior to transfer, or to detect genetic mutations. Embryo genetic testing can increase implantation rates and decrease the risk of recurrent pregnancy loss.
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Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A)
Formerly known as PGS, this technique screens embryos for the correct number of chromosomes to lower miscarriage rates and improve the chances of a live birth, particularly for patients between the ages 35-40. Aneuploidy is a medical term that means “the wrong number of chromosomes,” and having the wrong number of chromosomes can lead to genetic abnormalities. These issues lead to increasing rates of infertility, miscarriage, and genetic disorders like Down’s Syndrome with advanced age.
In order to ensure an embryo has the proper number of chromosomes, we can sample cells from the outer edge of the embryo, and send those cells to a special laboratory where the DNA is tested and the number of chromosomes is determined. This technique, called Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) allows an enhanced way of selecting the best embryo to transfer, and can result in higher pregnancy rates and lower miscarriage rates. Transfer of a chromosomally normal embryo greatly increases the chance of a successful pregnancy and virtually eliminates multiple pregnancies.
Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disorders (PGT-M)
This is another procedure in which embryos are tested for genetic problems prior to being placed into the uterus to establish a pregnancy. PGT-M is an excellent option for patients who test positive as a carrier for a genetic disease and wish to avoid having a child with that specific genetic disorder. PGT-M has been applied to a wide variety of genetic disorders, including diseases caused by an abnormality in a single gene. Examples of common single gene disorders include cystic fibrosis, Tay Sachs disease and sickle cell anemia. For a full list of conditions we have experience with, contact our IVF specialists.

Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangement (PGT-SR)
This technology detects balanced chromosome structural rearrangements such as reciprocal translocation or inversion, which can contribute to recurrent pregnancy loss.
Gender Selection
Primarily used for family balancing, gender selection is an option when utilizing IVF and PGT-A. Using embryo genetic testing, the sex chromosomes of each embryo are determined prior to transfer. This allows couples to select an embryo with the gender of their choice and pursue a future FET cycle.

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